Welcome To The

2017 Frontiers in Upper Extremity Surgery

 Post-Course Page

 This is where you will be able to:

1. Complete your course evaluation

2. Attest to your credits

3. Print &/or save your CE Certificate

4. Download available presentations from the course

Step 1: Course Evaluation

Please click on the link below to complete the course evaluation.

Step 2:  Attest to your credits

PHYSICIANS: FORE is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

FORE designates this live activity for a maximum of 12 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS: This course has been approved by the Florida Board of Occupational Therapy (CE Provider # 50-10002). FORE designates this live activity for a maximum of 12 CE Hours. 

PHYSICAL THERAPISTS: The Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide medical education to physicians. Accreditation of this course does not necessarily imply the FPTA supports the views of the presenters or the sponsors. Florida Board of Physical Therapy has approved this activity for 12 CE hours.


Step 3:  Print &/or Save your Certificate

Click “DONE” to be re-directed to the certificate page, where you will be able to print &/or save your CE certificate.

** Please note, the Survey and Certificate Download is NOT mobile friendly. Please use a laptop or desktop computer to complete your survey**


Step 4:  Presentations

Course presentations will be available for PDF download within 5 business days following the course.  Presentations in blue are available to download now.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

 Distal Radius Fractures- Volar Plating for All  Francisco Rubio, MD
 Distal Radius Fractures- Dorsal Plating Better for Some  Philip Blazar, MD
 Scaphoid Waist Fractures- Volar Approach  Nader Paksima, DO
 Scaphoid Waist Fractures- Dorsal Approach  Brandon Earp, MD
 Scaphoid Proximal Pol Nonunion- Vascularized Bone Graft  Alfred Hess, MD
 Scaphoid Proximal Pol Nonunion- Non- Vascularized Bone Graft  Nader Paksima, DO
 Complications with Distal Radius Fractures  Michael Bednar, MD
 Complications of Flexor Tendon Repair  Brandon Earp, MD
 Complications of Distal Biceps Repair  Brent Bamberger, DO
 Nerve Repair How to Avoid Complications  Mark Rekant, MD
 Rheumatoid Hand Surgery: A Lost Art  Barry P. Simmons, MD
 Extremity Soft Tissue Coverage and Targeted Muscle Renervation  Ian Valerio, MD
 SLAC Wrist with Case Example- Proximal Row Carpectomy  Brent Bamberger, DO
 SLAC Wrist with Case Example- Intercarpal Fusion  Kristopher Avant, DO
 CMC OA With Case Example- LRTI  Michael Bednar, MD
 CMC OA With Case Example- HAD with Suture Button  Kristopher Avant, DO
 Dupuytren Contracture- Xiaflex  Philip Blazar, MD
 Dupuytren Contracture – Surgery  Mark Rekant, MD
 Chronic Retraction RCT/ No OA- Superior Capsular Reconstruction  Michael Garcia, MD
 Chronic Retraction RCT/ No OA- Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty  Yanni Pappou, MD