
The Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE) is a private not-for-profit 501(c)3. FORE’s mission is to improve orthopedic medicine through investigation, innovation, and education. FORE’s vision is to become an international leader in orthopedic research and education in order to make a substantial impact on orthopedic medicine and patient care. FORE currently consists of four distinct departments; Clinical Research, Biomechanical Research, Continuing Medical Education, and Surgical Training.


FORE’s mission is to improve orthopaedic medicine through investigation, innovation and education.


Our vision is to become a world class leader in orthopaedic research so that the knowledge gained will have a substantial impact on orthopaedic science and patient care. This will be achieved through the integration of basic science research, biomechanical research, clinical research, and the education of orthopaedic surgeons and other health care providers.


  • High quality, ethical, scientifically meritorious research studies worthy of publication in peer-reviewed journals
  • Technology driven: use of the latest technologies and disciplines to develop solutions for musculoskeletal disorders
  • Production of high quality continuing medical education courses and instructional videos
  • Presentation of our research at national and international orthopaedic conferences
    Fiscal responsibility