Welcome To The

11th Annual
Detroit Regional Sports Medicine Symposium

 Post-Course Page

 Here you will be able to download available presentations from the course. If you need help completing your Course Evaluation and obtaining your certificate, please check your emails for those instructions. If you did not receive this email, please contact us at cme@foreonline.org

Presentations in blue are available for download. Be sure to check back for any updated uploads. 


KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Team Physician: Mistakes to Avoid & Keys to Success
Keynote Speaker: Peter A. Indelicato, MD
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Stress Fractures: Pathophysiology, Classification, & Treatment
Keynote Speaker: Christopher Kaeding, MD
Update on the University of Michigan Rotator Cuff Registry
Faculty: Bruce S. Miller, MD, MS
Shoulder Arthroplasty in the Young Patient
Faculty: J. Michael Wiater, MD
Muscle Transfers for Rotator Cuff Insufficiency
Faculty: Keith Kenter, MD
Current Concepts in the Evaluation & Treatment of AC Joint Instability
Faculty: Maher J. Bahu, MD
BREAKOUT SESSION: On-Field Emergencies: What’s in Your Bag? (Supported by Miotech)
Faculty: Britta Anderson, DO, Andrew Berwick, MD, Sadiq Haque, DO, Ali Y. Makki, MD, Laura Ramus, PT, ATC
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury, The Flexor Wad, & Fatigue: What Do We Know?
Faculty: Michael T. Freehill, MD
Evaluation & Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis
Faculty: Jefferey Michaelson, MD
Risk Factors for ACL Reconstruction Failure: Be On the Lookout!
Faculty: David Patterson, MD
ACL Repair
Faculty: Nathan E. Marshall, MD
Why Not All HAs are the Same – A Look at the Symptomatic Treatment of Knee OA (Non-CME Luncheon Symposium Sponsored by Bioventus)
Faculty: Michael Redler, MD
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Meniscus Tears: Diagnosis & Treatment
Keynote Speaker: Christopher Kaeding, MD
Pain in the Anterior Knee: What Can We Do?
Faculty: David W. Lemos, MD
BREAKOUT SESSION: Sawbones Workshop-Superior Capsule Reconstruction (Supported by Arthrex/Pinnacle)
Faculty: Robert A. Keller, MD, Nathan E. Marshall, MD
MQTFL Reconstructions vs. MPFL: Pros & Cons
Faculty: James Bicos, MD
Patellar Instability
Faculty: Kunal Kalra, MD
Myofascial Decompression – AKA “Cupping”
Faculty: Laura Ramus, PT, ATC
Approach to the Baseball Player w/ Arm Pain
Faculty: Eric C. Makhni, MD, MBA
In-Office Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate: Setup & Indications
Faculty: Robert A. Keller, MD

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2019

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: The ACL – Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Going
Keynote Speaker: Peter A. Indelicato, MD
Shoulder Instability for Soft Tissue & Bony Loss Issues
Faculty: Shariff K. Bishai, DO, MS, FAOAO
Ultrasound of the Shoulder
Faculty: J. Antonio Bouffard, MD
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Dynamic Imaging
Faculty: Jon A. Jacobson, MD
How Hand Morphometrics Relate to Injury in Baseball Players
Faculty: Michael P. Walsh, MD
BREAKOUT SESSION: Shoulder Ultrasound (Supported by Sonosite)
Faculty: J. Antonio Bouffard, MD, Jason O. Holcomb, MD, Jon A. Jacobson, MD
Risk of Cerebral Injury w/ Beach Chair vs. Lateral Decubitus Position for Shoulder Arthroscopy
Faculty: Anna Freemyer-Brown, DO
Do Hip XR Predict Elective Surgical Treatment for Insidious Onset of Hip Pain?
Faculty: Jeffrey Osborne, MD
Current Trends in Hip Arthroscopy
Faculty: Michael A. Yusaf, MD
Treatment of Labral Tears of the Hip: Debridement, Repair & Reconstruction
Faculty: Diana R. Silas, DO
Advances in Achilles Tendon Repairs
Faculty: Christopher Cooke, MD
Early Sports Specialization: Are We Really Helping Our Kids?
Faculty: Joseph H. Guettler, MD