Outstanding Paper Awards Given by The Spine Journal and NASS

The Spine Journal and the North American Spine Society (NASS) announced 3 winners of the 2019 Outstanding Paper Awards at the society’s 34th Annual Meeting.

These awards, which include a $10,000 prize for the authors, recognize excellence in unpublished research in spine care. The manuscripts were presented at the Annual Meeting and will be published in The Spine Journal.


RELATED: Register for the 23rd Annual Selby Spine Conference


Outstanding Paper in Basic Science

Inflammaging Determines Health and Disease in Lumbar Discs: Evidence from Differing Proteomic Signatures of Healthy, Aging and Degenerating Discs

Authors: S. Rajasekaran, PhD; Chitraa Tangavel, PhD; Sri Vijay Anand, K S MS; Dilip Chand Raja, S MS;Sharon Miracle Nayagam, MSc; Monica Steffi Matchado; M. Raveendran, PhD; Ajoy Prasad Shetty, MS; Rishi Mugesh Kanna, MS; K. Dharmalingam, PhD


Outstanding Paper in Surgical Science

Laboratory Markers as Useful Prognostic Measures for Survival in Patients with Spinal Metastases

Authors: Andrew J. Schoenfeld, MD; Marco L. Ferrone, MD; Peter G. Passias, MD; Justin A. Blucher, MS; Lauren B. Barton, BS; John H. Shin, MD; Mitchel B. Harris, MD; Joseph H. Schwab, MD, MS


Outstanding Paper in Value in Spine Care

Are Current DGR-based Bundled Payment Models for Lumbar Fusions Risk-Adjusting Adequately? An Analysis of Medicare Beneficiaries

Authors: Azeem Tariq Malik, MBBS; Frank M. Phillips, MD; Elizabeth Yu, MD; Safdar N. Khan, MD

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