A Sports Medicine Conference Can Prepare You to Provide Care for Athletes at All Levels of Competition

Medical professionals who work with professional, collegiate, high school, or recreational athletes can attend a sports medicine conference provided by the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE) to improve their knowledge and skills in diagnosing and treating a variety of common injuries.

FORE specializes in orthopaedic CME, and we offer these sports medicine conferences:

  • OrthoVirginia Soccer Medicine, held in Leesburg, Virginia
  • The Detroit Sports Medicine Symposium, held in suburban Detroit, Michigan
  • Baseball Sports Medicine: Game-Changing Concepts, held in New York, New York

Other courses offered by FORE incorporate sports medicine topics, including the Tampa Shoulder Course: Arthroplasty & Sports, Frontiers in Upper Extremity Surgery, and Current Solutions in Foot & Ankle Surgery.

For more information, contact the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education at info@foreonline.org.