Orthopaedic Sports Medicine CME Conferences

Sports Medicine CMEThe Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE) – a provider of orthopaedic-focused continuing medical education – offers several sports medicine CME courses designed to help orthopaedic surgeons and other orthopaedic healthcare professionals stay up to date on the latest advances in this dynamic field.

At these courses, attendees can expect to learn the best evidence-based practices for diagnosing, managing, and treating sports-related orthopaedic injuries.

FORE’s current schedule of sports medicine CME conferences includes:

  • OrthoVirginia Socccer Medicine, held in the spring in suburban Washington, DC
  • Detroit Sports Medicine Symposium, held int he summer in suburban Detroit, Michigan
  • Baseball Sports Medicine: Game-Changing Concepts, held in the fall in New York, New York

In addition, FORE is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians and approved by the Board of Certification to provide continuing education for athletic trainers.

For more information, contact the Foundation for Orthopaedic Education and Research at info@foreonline.org.