Orthopaedic Meetings Hosted by Experienced Orthopaedic Professionals

Orthopedic Meetings

The orthopaedic meetings provided by FORE – the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education – highlight the newest and most effective treatment modalities, both surgical and nonsurgical,  as well as emerging diagnostic technologies, patient evaluation factors, and rehabilitation strategies in various orthopaedic subspecialties.

Our orthopedic meetings have internationally recognized faculty who share real-world guidance and individualized advice. Conference participants are encouraged to ask questions, share their professional challenges, and discuss potential options for improving clinical outcomes. FORE encourages interactive learning and true collaboration, which gives our conferences an advantage over most other CME courses.

In addition, FORE’s orthopaedic meetings often incorporate non-traditional activities, such as hands-on bioskills workshops and live  surgical demonstrations.

Through opportunities such as these, the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education makes it possible for participants to explore new techniques and technologies in a guided setting. In addition, FORE’s courses delve deep into complex topics, such as specific surgical approaches, the advantages and disadvantages of various implants, and how to provide effective supportive care throughout the recovery process. Offering practical solutions for commonly faced challenges, these courses enable orthopaedic professionals to improve their approach to patient care.

For more information, contact the Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education at info@foreonline.org.